Influence of expiration date on detail reproduction of dental elastomers




Elastomers; Dental Impression Materials; Date of validity of products.


Elastomers are synthetic rubber materials formed by polymers, which are joined by a small number of cross-links that form a three-dimensional network. The aim of the current study was to compare the surface detail reproduction of polyvinyl siloxane and polyether-based elastomeric impression materials (2 years after their expiration date) to the ones that have not exceeded this period-of-time. Four groups comprising 5 samples, each (n = 5), were divided based on material (polyvinyl siloxane – Express and polyether – Impregum Soft) and expiration date (expired, or not). The manipulated material was placed on a tray in a way to fully cover its inner part. Later on, it was placed on a metal matrix presenting 20-, 50- and 75-μm lines. Molds were removed after polymerization and surface detail reproduction was measured in comparator microscope (Stereozoom Microscope), along the 20 μm line (25 mm in length), at 4x-magnification, in compliance with ISO 4823. Surface detail reproduction values were subjected to descriptive analysis - results were expressed in percentage (%). All groups presented 100% of surface detail reproduction, regardless of impression material or expiration date. Surface detail reproduction of the investigated materials was not influenced by the evaluated elastomers’ expiration date.


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How to Cite

GUIRALDO, R. D. .; HARADA, E. Y. .; BERGER, S. B. .; DIAS, F. A. .; GREGORIO, D.; PIZZURNO, L. G. D. A. .; TURINI, N. K. .; LOPES, M. B. . Influence of expiration date on detail reproduction of dental elastomers. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. e306101118837, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i11.18837. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences