Children and overuse of screens: the explanation behind the myopia epidemic




Kids; Screen Time; Myopia; Technology; Social network.


Objectives: This work is an educational intervention, with the objective of developing a website and an informative flyer, as a form of health education, addressing the importance of knowledge about excessive exposure time to screens by children and their children. consequences, including myopia. Methodology: Initially, a search was carried out in the bases of the Virtual Health Library and Google Scholar, selecting articles to compose the theoretical framework that expose the problem emphasized in the written work, as well as serving as a basis for the elaboration of the products of this health intervention. Furthermore, a website and a flyer were created with accessible and objective language, in order to reach and inform the general population, which was reached through social networks and redirected to the website. Results and Discussion: 4,181 views were obtained on the flyer, among these results, there were accesses in 55 countries, which made up the intervention sample. The American, European, African continents stand out, and with less visibility the Asian continent and Oceania. Regarding the time of exposure to the screens, health education stands out as an essential tool in addressing this knowledge, as it allows the general public to know better about this theme. Conclusion: Health education is relevant to know and disseminate pediatric pathologies, since, in this work, eye health stood out. It was observed that the use of the flyer through social networks went beyond geographical borders, as several continents had access to it, thus contributing to the multiplication of knowledge.


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How to Cite

LEITE, C. Q. .; RAMALHO, V. G. .; SOUZA, G. A. R. de .; SOUZA, V. H. S. de .; LOPES, N. C. G. .; SANTOS, T. B. dos .; FERREIRA, F. A. .; ROCHA, F. S. P. .; BRAGA, L. Q. .; TERASSINI, F. A. .; SANTOS, B. F. dos . Children and overuse of screens: the explanation behind the myopia epidemic. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e377101018933, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18933. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Health Sciences