L-asparaginase: therapeutic use and applications in the food industry – a review





Enzyme; L-asparaginase; Acrylamide; Immobilization; Food; Leukemia treatment.


L-asparaginase (L-asnase) is an amino hydrolase that has been used in the last decades for leukemia treatment, which boosted scientific studies on production, purification and immobilization of this enzyme. More recently, L-asnase has called food industry attention because of its effect on acrylamide formation in fried and baked foods. Several studies have been carried out in order to evaluate the effect of L-asnase in reducing acrylamide formation in different food models. This review brings up an overview in L-asnase kinetic parameters from different sources, immobilization methods, its therapeutic use in leukemia treatment and food processing applications. This review also discusses acrylamide formation in fried and baked foods. Commercial L-asnase is produced by two microorganisms, Escherichia coli and Erwinia sp. However, studies using different microorganisms have shown the possibility of producing this enzyme from different sources, obtaining enzymes with interesting kinetic properties. Immobilization strategies have provided enzymes with greater activity and stability, which could contribute to maintain L-asnase activity in the body for longer periods. Researches applying L-asnase in food products have shown significant reduction in acrylamide production, above 90% in some cases. For this purpose, during enzyme application some variables must be taken into account, as enzyme dose, food matrix, pretreatment, processing time and temperature. Medical and food applications make L-asnase a multipurpose enzyme. Reducing prices, improving enzyme stability and reducing co-lateral effects in leukemia treatment are still challenges to overcome.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. D. de .; VAZ, C. J. T. .; OLIVEIRA, L. M. de .; GUIDINI, C. Z. . L-asparaginase: therapeutic use and applications in the food industry – a review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e596101018980, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18980. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/18980. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.



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