Analysis of water quality parameters and genotoxicity testing in fishes in the hydrographic basin of Pirapozinho river - SP, Brazil
Genotoxicity; Environmental bioindicators; Water quality; Environmental planning; Fish.Abstract
The objective of the study was to evaluate the quality of the water resources of the hydrographic basin of the Pirapozinho River, using analysis of water quality parameters and cytogenetic analysis of fish. Three collections were defined, according to the periods of rain and drought at three points: Control (P1); Urban (P2) and Rural (P3). The Water Quality Index (IQA) evaluated according to the recommendations of the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB). Fish were collected for cytogenetic analysis of erythrocytes stained using the Giemsa method. In the period of collection 1, the water was classified as good in P1 (61.8) and as reasonable in P2 (46.7) and P3 (43.6). Collection periods 2 and 3, there was a worsening in the classification of water in P2 (33.3 and 30.4, respectively), going from reasonable to bad. P2 showed major changes in all periods, resulting in the absence of fish. P3 observed changes in thermotolerant coliforms and total phosphorus in the three periods and for BOD in periods 1 and 2, parameters indicative of contamination; There was an increase (p < 0.05) in the total number of erythrocytes with nuclear alterations and erythrocytes with micronucleus, in relation to P1 (period 2). It was concluded that urban / industrial and agricultural anthropic activities at the points and conditions evaluated in the Pirapozinho River hydrographic basin had a negative impact on water quality and fish population.
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