Antifungal action of ozone therapy assessment against different Candida species for oral cavity application - Literature Review
Ozone; Antifungal; Biofilm.; BiofilmAbstract
The Candida genus is the most commonly associated with the development of infection in oral tissues, called oral candidiasis. The therapeutic management of this pathology is quite complex and includes the use of topical or systemic antifungal agents, depending on the severity of the infection. In this context, the aim of this study was, through a literature review, to evaluate the antifungal action of ozone on yeasts of the Candida genus, aiming for application in the oral cavity, as ozone is suggested as an alternative therapy due to its oxidizing action. For this purpose, a search for the term “ozone and Candida” was performed in the PubMed, SciELO and BVS databases for articles published until April 2020. After evaluation, 23 articles that met the criteria were selected. It can be concluded that ozone has a significant antimicrobial action on Candida genus yeasts. The present study suggests that its use has the possibility of attenuating the curative response of this infection, since numerous studies have reported an improvement in infectious conditions and a decrease in colony-forming units. However, further investigations and toxicity profile comparisons are needed to establish correct protocols for clinical use.
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