Evaluation of the environmental perception of the users over solid residues on the beach of Tamandaré/Brazil
Environmental perception; Solid waste; Coastal environments; Sustainable development.; Sustainable developmentAbstract
The irregular waste disposal is a reality that affects the Brazilian coast. The present study aimed to evaluate the environmental perception of beach users in relation to the production and disposal of solid waste at Tamandaré beach - Brazil. It was applied a questionnaire and carried out a quali-quantitative collection that has shown that the impacts mostly pointed out were the damage to the environment, and loss of tourist potential. The main source of dispersion of waste on the Tamandaré shore is associated with land-based activities, mainly those arising from tourism. The main causes were the failure in the municipal cleaning system, and beach users lack of awareness on disposing solid waste. It was suggest implementing environmental education programs, infrastructure improvement, and the elaboration of public policies pertinent to the management of solid waste, with the purposes of protection and conservation of natural resources.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Danubia Rafaela Costa de Miranda; Eduardo Paes Barreto; Hélida Karla Philippini da Silva; Márcia Cristina de Souza Matos Carneiro; Carlos Fabricio Assunção da Silva
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