Construction and validation of an instrument for nursing consultation for patients from target groups or with chronic kidney disease in primary health care




Technology; Nursing; Chronic kidney disease; Validation.


The study aimed to build and validate an instrument for nursing consultation to patients from target groups or with chronic kidney disease in Primary Health Care. This is a methodological research of the development of tools type. The study was carried out in four phases: 1. Construction of the instrument based on an integrative literature review, 2. Conception of the instrument that covered the stages of the nursing process, 3. Recruitment of judges to participate in the study, and 4. Content validation regarding the structure, presentation, clarity and relevance of the material with 18 judges. Data analysis was performed based on the Content Validation Index (CVI) and the binomial test to assess the experts' agreement and consistency in relation to the instrument's items. In the statistical analysis, the instrument's global CVI was 0.90 (95%CI: 0.86 – 0.93). When performing the binomial test to identify agreement between the evaluators, it was observed that when an agreement of 80% was stipulated, it was not possible to obtain differences between the judges. As for the evaluation of the items of the nursing consultation instrument, 94.4% (n=17) of the judges considered that all aspects of the history, nursing diagnoses and interventions and results were clear and relevant. It is concluded that the study achieved its objectives regarding the validation of contents such as structure, presentation, clarity and relevance of the material. It was found that all content contained in the instrument was considered significant for improving the quality of nursing consultations for patients from target groups or patients with CKD.

Author Biographies

Welmer Danilo Rodrigues Rocha, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins

Graduado em Enfermagem pela Faculdade Guaraí - FAG (2011), especialista em Nefrologia Multidisciplinar (2016) pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão/UNASUS e especialista em Urgência e Emergência (2016) pela Universidade Cândido Mendes. Mestrando em em Engenharia Biomédica pela Universidade Brasil. Atualmente enfermeiro do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins campus Colinas do Tocantins e docente na Faculdade de Colinas do Tocantins - Grupo Uniesp.

Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto fez a graduação em Fisioterapia na PUC de Campinas, mestrado em Fisiologia pela Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (USP) e concluiu o doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas em 1998. Realizou seu estudos de Pós-doutorado no Wellman Center for Photomedicine da Harvard Medical School em Boston (USA). Atualmente é PROFESSOR TITULAR SÊNIOR da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Professor visitante do Departamento de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba em João Pessoa e está como professor da UNIARA no PPG-Biotecnologia (Medicina Regenerativa e Química Medicinal) e professor colaborador no PPG-Engenharia Biomédica da Universidade Brasil.


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How to Cite

ROCHA, W. D. R.; PARIZOTTO, N. A. . Construction and validation of an instrument for nursing consultation for patients from target groups or with chronic kidney disease in primary health care. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 12, p. e149101220200, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i12.20200. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 nov. 2024.


