Diabetes Mellitus, metabolic syndrome and fall risk: a cross-sectional study with community-dwelling elderly
Metabolic Syndrome; Diabetes; Falls; Elderly; Metabolic syndrome; Diabetes Mellitus; Accidental falls; Aged.Abstract
This is the objective of comparing the association between metabolic syndrome and diabetes as a risk of remaining em elderlys in the community. To achieve the objectives, a quantitative study was chosen with a cross-sectional design of an analytical type with individuals aged 60 years or older, not institutionalized, residents in the urban area of the municipality of Rio Branco / Acre. The high risk of falls corresponded to 77 male persons (43.4%), persons independent of the sex aged 80 years or older (70.7%), showing depressive symptoms (53.6%) and dependent on assistance for the performance of basic daily life activities (51.7%). Non-model for metabolic syndrome there was association with depressive symptoms, instrumental activities of daily life and age group, being that those with depressive symptoms, dependence for instrumental activities of daily life and age group from 70 to 79 years and 80 years and most of had high risk of falling. In the diabetes model, there is an increased chance of risk of falls, along with depressive symptoms, instrumental activities of daily living and age group independent of basic activities of daily living, education and cognitive decline. Due to the health status compromised by the lack of diabetes control, excessive weight gain and loss, insufficient food intake, the elderly becomes susceptible to variation in serum glucose tolerance levels and sarcopenia acquisition, contributing to future problems such as osteoporosis, falls, fractures and loss of independence or mobility.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Greiciane da Silva Rocha ; Catherine de Farias Sussuarana ; Tábatta Renata Pereira de Brito; Francimar Leão Jucá; Rozilaine Redi Lago; Alice Helena de Souza Paulino; Valgerlângela Maria Sousa da Silva

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