Effect of hydraulic heating system on body temperature of female dogs during anesthetic recovery





Animmal welfare; Castration center; Temperature control; Hypothermia; Ovariohysterectomy.


Ovariohysterectomy is an important procedure for health and walfare animal, even as for society. However, during the procedure there is a predisposition of the animal to hypothermia, due to the anesthesia and surgery. In order to study the effect of hydraulic radiant floor on the body temperature of female dogs submitted to ovaryiohysterectomy, 130 animals, coming from the Araquari Animal Castration and Identification Center (CCIAA), were evaluated. Physiological parameters were collected, such as color of the oral mucosa, rectal temperature, respiratory and heart rate in animals housed in pen with hydraulic radiant floor (CP) and blanket (SP). The evaluations took place between the period of entry of the animal (T0) in the CCIAA until its return to home (T4). To analyze the relationship between the physiological parameters and the physical development of the animal, subgroups were created: one based on size (small, medium and large) and other on age (young and adults). The relationship between physiological parameters and room temperature was studied by dividing the experimental period into cold, moderate and warm days. The results were subjected to chi-square and variance analysis for non-normal data. The analyzes were made at the level of 5% probability of error. The hydraulic radiant floor proved to be efficient in anesthetic recovery of animals, regardless of the size and age. In addition, there was a greater need for the heating system on days with low temperatures. We conclude that the hydraulic radiant floor is an effective and safe way for heating and to prevent hypothermia in the postoperative period.

Author Biography

Leandro Marcos Salgado Alves, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Has experience in Physic, focusing on condensed matter physics, acting on the following subjects: plasma physics, material treatment, dielectric barrier discharge and pressure atmospheric plasma reactor. MA and PhD in science, focusing on superconducting materials and low-dimensional. Acting on the following topics: development of new superconducting materials and studies of low-dimensional materials (almost one-dimensional). Has an interest in teaching-learning in the Professional and Technological Education (EFA) context.


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How to Cite

PADILHA, Ádria P.; ALVES, L. M. S. .; LOPES, C.; PERIPOLLI, V. Effect of hydraulic heating system on body temperature of female dogs during anesthetic recovery . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 15, p. e159101522567, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.22567. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/22567. Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences