Age and sex estimation using fractal analysis in Brazilian adults: a discriminant analysis




Forensic Dentistry; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Age Determination by Skeleton; Sex Determination Analysis.


This study assessed the accuracy of fractal analysis (FA) to estimate chronological age and sex in Brazilian adults for forensic investigations. The gender-balanced sample comprised lateral cephalometric radiographs of 120 individuals, stratified according to age (20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 years) and sex (female and male). A trained calibrated examiner measured the fractal dimension (FD) of the mandibular ramus and mandibular angle. Linear regression and multiple logistic discriminant analysis were carried out to explore the accuracy of FA. For all analyses, p-values < .05 indicated statistical significance. Overall, mean FD values were 1.49±0.10 for the mandibular ramus and 1.48±0.09 for mandibular angle. Results were more accurate in males than females for discriminating age and sex. The multiple discriminant analysis indicated that FA distinguished sex in 61.7% males and 58.3% females. In addition, the mean difference between actual and predicted value was 9.5 years and 10.1 years for men and women, respectively. Fractal analysis accurately identified sex- and age-related differences in the trabecular pattern of the mandible of Brazilian adults, confirming its utility for forensic investigations. Further studies investigating other populations are needed to assess the accuracy of FA for Forensic Dentistry.


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How to Cite

MENEZES, F. dos S.; DINÍSIO, T. de M. .; OLIVEIRA, T. F. L. de; OLIVEIRA, A. M. B. de; COSTA, C. .; MICHEL-CROSATO, E. .; BIAZEVIC, M. G. H. . Age and sex estimation using fractal analysis in Brazilian adults: a discriminant analysis. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 15, p. e240101522726, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.22726. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences