The perception of puerpers to the care provided by the nursing team regarding their puerperium




Postpartum Period; Nursing; Women’s health.


Introduction: The puerperal period constitutes a moment of fragility, demanding qualified and holistic care from health professionals, focused on the sociocultural and family context and on the evaluation of mother-child-family care. Objective: To analyze the perception of the puerpery woman to the care provided by a Family Health Strategy team regarding her puerperium in a city in the interior of Maranhão. Methodology: This study is exploratory, with a quantitative-qualitative approach. Data collection took place in august 2021. Results: It was observed that there is a gap in the knowledge of the puerperal women regarding their puerperium by the health team as a whole, noting that the focus of health professionals is on the newborn, forgetting the woman in her biopsychosocial state. Conclusions: It is concluded that the relationship between the nursing professional and the puerpery women is based on three pillars, problem-solutive capacity, aptitude for teaching and humanized contact, which are fundamental for better health promotion and prevention.


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How to Cite

SILVA, K. L. da .; MOURÃO, I. S. S. .; LIMA JUNIOR, F. A. .; MEDEIROS, F. H. A. de .; TOURINHO, E. F.; QUEIROZ, P. dos S. S. The perception of puerpers to the care provided by the nursing team regarding their puerperium. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 15, p. e303101523212, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i15.23212. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences