Herbicide subdoses as growth regulators in soybean cultivars
Glycine max; 2,4-D; Lactofen; lmazetapyr.Abstract
The use of growth regulators through the herbicide subdoses is a promising alternative capable of reducing the size of plants, making them more compact and photosynthetically more active and efficient. The objective was to evaluate the effect of herbicide application on the development and production components of six soybean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in field under randomized blocks with four replications. Six soybean cultivars (M8644 IPRO, M8372 IPRO, M8349 IPRO and M8766 RR, NS7901 RR and CD251 RR) were submitted the application of three herbicides and their respective subdoses (2,4-D - 40.3 g ha-1; Imazetapir - 26.5 g ha-1 and Lactofen - 96 g ha-1). An additional treatment without the application of any herbicide was also evaluated (Control treatment). Subdoses of 2,4-D, Lactofen and Imazetapyr provided greater plant height, height of insertion of the first pod, branches per plant, number of pods and number of grains. A new adequacy in the doses of 2,4-D, Lactofen and Imazetapyr is necessary to contribute in the future to increase the productivity of soybean.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tayná Alves Pereira; Álvaro José Gomes de Faria; Rubson da Costa Leite; Antônio Henrique Camilo Ribeiro; Antônio Carlos Martins dos Santos; Jose Paulo Oliveira de Castro; Simone Pereira Teles; Rubens Ribeiro da Silva

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