Essential knowledge of aerospace physiology required for nurses' performance in aeromedical transportation: literature review




Aerospace Medicine; Air rescue; Air ambulance.


The knowledge of aerospace physiology is essential for aeromedical teams to perform the assistance of patients in flight. The Federal Council of Nursing (COFEN), understanding the importance of regulating the performance of nursing in this context, published in 2017 Resolution No. Thus, this study was developed with the objective of carrying out, through a bibliographic survey, which knowledge of aerospace physiology is evidenced in the literature as important for the performance of the aerospace nurse. Material and Method: An integrative review study, with a qualitative approach, developed in six stages: elaboration of the guiding question; literature search or sampling, data collection, critical analysis of included studies, discussion of results and presentation of the integrative review. Articles published between 2008 and 2021 were searched in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature databases - LILAC, Scientific Electronic Library Online - Scielo and Virtual Health Library - VHL. Of the articles found, 07 publications showed adherence to the topic under study. Results and Discussion: Some important effects of aerospace physiology on the human body were evidenced and such effects interfere with in-flight nursing care. These are flight hypoxia, dysbarisms, abrupt changes in temperature and humidity, aerokinetosis and accelerations. Conclusion: the flight nurse, in order to safely assist air-removed patients, needs solid knowledge of aerospace physiology to perform efficient, safe and scientifically based nursing care. It was also observed that, despite the consensus on the importance of this type of knowledge for aeromedical crews, little literary material was found in the indexed databases.

Author Biographies

Letícia Lima Borges, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing - Academic Master's Degree from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Nurse egress of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Specialist in Nephrology Nursing at the University Gama Filho. Has professional experience in neonatology and aerospace nursing working mainly in aeromedical transport and physiological training for aircrafts of the Brazilian Air Force.

Fábio José de Almeida Guilherme, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / Anna Nery School of Nursing - UFRJ/EEAN. Specialist in Nursing in High Complexity Patients with Emphasis on ICU by UNIGRANRIO. Specialist in Nursing in Urgency and Emergency by Candido Mendes University - UCM. Bachelor in Nursing from the University of Taubaté - UNITAU. Nurse Officer of the Brazilian Air Force - FAB, serving in the Aerospace Medicine Institute - IMAE. Instructor of the following courses Advanced Trauma Care For Curses - ATCN, Brazil chapter and the Emergency Medical Patients Assessment Care and Transport ? EMPACT and Stop the Bleed. Secretary General of the Brazilian Association of Nursing, RJ section - ABEn-RJ, 2016-19 management.

Rafael Abrantes de Lima, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Nursing (2013), Specialist in Intensive Care from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Specialist in Nephrology by HUPE / UERJ. Recently approved in the notice 01/2020 for Class 2021 for a master's degree in nursing in the Research Line: NURSING: KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES OF CARING AND BEING CAREFUL with the Institutional Research entitled: Proposition of the management function in daily nursing. I have worked as an audit nurse for the largest health plans in Brazil, I have worked as an assistant nurse in the most renowned public and private hospitals. Papers presented at national and international congresses. Author and developer of the blog Clinical Research Assistant at D'OR Institute for Research and Teaching and FIOCRUZ. CEO of the Nursing Education Institute Rafael Lima

Beatriz Gerbassi Costa Aguiar, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Nursing - Area of Concentration: Nursing in the Brazilian Social Context - Anna Nery School of Nursing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - 2002; Specialization in Health Service Research - National School of Public Health - ENSP / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ 19991; Master in Nursing - Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UNRIO 1985; Specialization in Introduction to Health Education - ENSP / FIOCRUZ 1978; Specialization in Public Health ? ENSP /FIOCRUZ 1975; Member of the Brazilian Academy of Hospital Administration. Nurse of the Infection Control Commission of the Hospital de Ipanema of the National Institute of Medical Assistance of Social Security - INAMPS 1971 to 1980; Consultant of the Infection Control Commission of the National Cancer Institute / MS 1981/83; Director of the Administration Division of the Hospital de Ipanema ? INAMPS 1989/90; Director of the Nursing Division of the Hospital de Ipanema/INAMPS 1991; Assistant Director of the Psychiatric Institute Phillipe Phinnel / MS 1993; Assistant Director of the Administration Division of the Rio de Janeiro State Center of the Ministry of Health-1995/96; Associate Professor I of the Medical Surgical Nursing Department of the Alfredo Pinto Nursing School ? Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro-public examination in 1994. Director of the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, elected 2005-2009. Founding member and first President of the Nursing Program of the Tordesillas Group 2005-2009.

Débora Fernanda Haberland, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Nurse, post doctoral candidate in Nursing at the Anna Nery School of Nursing (EEAN), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), PhD in Health Psychology from the Dom Bosco Catholic University - UCDB (2020). Currently works as a nurse in the Brazilian Air Force - FAB in the area of Teaching, Operational Health and Aerospace Medicine and is head of the Research section of the institute. She is a member of the Teaching, Research and Extension Group of Health in Emergencies and Disasters of EEAN/UFRJ. She has experience in assistance, instruction, and teaching in nursing, and is a specialist in Methodology of Higher Education from the University of Grande Dourados UNIGRAN and Methodology and Management in Distance Education from Anhanguera University; she is an expert in Aerospace Nursing. She has worked as a teacher in the area of women's and children's health, as she has a postgraduate degree in Prenatal Care from the Federal University of Sao Paulo ? UNIFESP and in Nursing in Gynecology and Obstetrics, in addition to research in the area. She also holds an MBA specialization in Health Management and Infection Control from the National Teaching and Research Institute INESP and has experience in nursing management. She graduated in Nursing from the Dom Bosco Catholic University in 2007.


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How to Cite

BORGES, L. L. .; GUILHERME, F. J. de A. .; LIMA, R. A. de .; AGUIAR, B. G. C. .; HABERLAND, D. F. Essential knowledge of aerospace physiology required for nurses’ performance in aeromedical transportation: literature review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. e20911225713, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i2.25713. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences