Quality of care and humanization of health care for women during childbirth in the context of São Tomé and Príncipe, Sub-Saharan Africa
Quality of health care; Humanized birth; Humanization of assistance.Abstract
Objective: To reflect on the quality of care and humanization of childbirth from the analysis of scientific productions. Method: This is a theoretical reflection based on the analysis of scientific productions. The search was carried out in the PUBMED database and in the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and SCIELO, from February to April 2021, using the search strategy: “health care” AND “quality” AND “humanization of childbirth”. Primary studies published in Portuguese, English or Spanish, available in full, were included, and studies that did not meet the objective of the study were excluded. The selection was based on the titles, then the reading of the abstracts and texts in full. Results: Concerning the language of publication, four were available in English, two in Spanish and eight in Portuguese, all were published between 2017 and 2020. As for the location of the study, two were carried out in Colombia, a study carried out in Tanzania, one study carried out in Mozambique and ten studies carried out in Brazil. When analyzing the themes of the works, two articles addressed issues related to the humanization program of childbirth and birth, five on the humanization of childbirth and seven on humanized care in the pre and postpartum period. Conclusion: From the results discussed in this article, it is inferred the need to deepen studies on the subject and develop health strategies and technologies that will help to promote the quality of childbirth care in health institutions in São Tomé and Príncipe.
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