Aeromedical evacuation during the health crisis caused by SARS-CoV-2 in the state of Amazonas – Brazil




Air Ambulances; Coronavirus Infections; Military Nursing; Communicable Diseases; Nursing.


Objective: To describe the experience of military nursing in preparing the embarkation of critically ill patients from Amazonas to other states in Brazil during the health crisis caused by the pandemic of COVID-19. Method: Case report built with the observation of the flight nurse about the importance of boarding preparation for the safety of aeromedical transport. Discussion: Still on the ground, the team is concerned with the configuration of the aircraft, with the configuration of beds (which will happen in a personalized way), in addition to the systematic testing of aeromedical equipment and replacement of supplies and medicines until landing safely. Conclusion: Embarkation planning is an indispensable step for the safe transportation of critically ill patients. The study brings an approach to the specific care in the pre-flight of aeromedical evacuation. In this sense, the nurse develops the actions of boarding planning, based on the experience of assistance to critical patients and, participates in the multidisciplinary team during the flight.

Author Biographies

Letícia Lima Borges, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Master's student at the Graduate Nursing Program - Academic Master's at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Nurse graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Specialist in Nephrology Nursing from Universidade Gama Filho. She has professional experience in neonatology and aerospace nursing, working mainly in aeromedical transport and physiological training for airmen of the Brazilian Air Force.

Débora Fernanda Haberland, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Nurse, post-doctoral student in Nursing at the Anna Nery School of Nursing (EEAN), at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), PhD in Health Psychology at the Dom Bosco Catholic University - UCDB (2020). She currently works as a nurse on the staff of Brazilian Air Force-FAB Officers in the area of ​​Education, Operational Health and Aerospace Medicine and is head of the Institute's Research section. She participates in the Teaching, Research and Health Extension Group in Emergencies and Disasters at EEAN / UFRJ. She has experience in nursing care, instruction and teaching, being a specialist in Higher Education Methodology at the Universidade da Grande Dourados UNIGRAN and Methodology and Management in Distance Education at the Anhanguera University; She specializes in Aerospace Nursing. Did she work as a professor in the area of ​​women's and children's health, as she has a postgraduate degree in Pre-Natal Care from the Federal University of São Paulo? UNIFESP and in Nursing in Gynecology and Obstetrics, in addition to research in the area. She also holds an MBA in Health Management and Infection Control from the Instituto Nacional Ensino e Pesquisa INESP and has experience in nursing management. She graduated in Nursing from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco in 2007.

Clarissa Coelho Vieira Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Doctoral student in NURSING and BIOSCIENCES (PPGENFBIO) at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO (2021). Master in NURSING (PPGENF) from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO (2020). Specialization in HEALTH INFORMATICS from the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP (2018). Specialization in HEALTH MANAGEMENT by ENSP/FIOCRUZ (2017). Specialization in FAMILY HEALTH from the University of Brasília - UNB (2015). Specialization in PRENATAL CARE at the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP (2014). Specialization in NEONATOLOGY by the School of Public Health of Ceará - ESP-CE (2008). Degree in NURSING from the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR (2007). Patient Safety Nurse at the Gaffrée and Guinle University Hospital - HUGG. Nurse of the Brazilian Air Force - FAB, assigned to the Hospital de Aeronáutica dos Afonsos - HAAF. Head of the Nursing Subdivision of the Hospital de Aeronáutica dos Afonsos - HAAF Member of the HAAF Permanent Nursing Education Commission. Member of the Coordination Committee for Surveillance Actions for the New Coronavirus-COVID-19 Member of the Study Group "Laboratory of Care and Experimentation in Nursing", under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Nébia Maria Almeida de Figueiredo. She has experience in Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: Health Management, Intensive Care Care, Urgency and Emergency, Child and Adolescent Health, Newborns and Breastfeeding.

Luiz Alberto de Freitas Felipe, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated from the Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa (2011), Specialist in Family Health from the Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA (2013), Specialist in Public Health from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO, Master in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - PPGENF/UNIRIO. Professional experience working as a nurse in the Family Health Strategy (2012 to 2015 / 2019 to February 2020), Doctoral Student at the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO. Technical supporter of the Family Health Strategies units in the Primary Health Care coordination - CAP 3.3 of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (2015/2016); Nurse Information analyst of AP 3.3 of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro at the Viva Rio Social Organization (2017-2018) ; Technical Health Manager at the Mestre Molequinho do Império Family Clinic - AP 3.3 in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (2018-2019); Institutional Technical Supporter of the Superintendence of Primary Health Care of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2020 / Jan 2021).

Rafael Abrantes de Lima, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Nursing (2013), Specialist in Intensive Care from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Specialist in Nephrology by HUPE / UERJ. Recently approved in the notice 01/2020 for Class 2021 for a master's degree in nursing in the Research Line: NURSING: KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES OF CARING AND BEING CAREFUL with the Institutional Research entitled: Proposition of the management function in daily nursing. I have worked as an audit nurse for the largest health plans in Brazil, I have worked as an assistant nurse in the most renowned public and private hospitals. Papers presented at national and international congresses. Author and developer of the blog Clinical Research Assistant at D'OR Institute for Research and Teaching and FIOCRUZ. CEO of the Nursing Education Institute Rafael Lima

Beatriz Gerbassi Costa Aguiar, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Nursing-Area of ​​Concentration: Nursing in the Brazilian Social Context-School of Nursing Anna Nery-Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-2002; Specialization in Health Service Research - National School of Public Health - ENSP/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-FIOCRUZ 19991; Masters in Nursing-Alfredo Pinto Nursing School - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro -UNRIO 1985; Specialization in Introduction to Health Education-ENSP/FIOCRUZ 1978; Specialization in Public Health ? ENSP /FIOCRUZ 1975. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Hospital Administration. Nurse at the Hospital Infection Control Commission at the Ipanema Hospital of the National Institute of Medical Assistance of Social Security-INAMPS 1971 to 1980; Consultant for the Hospital Infection Control Commission of the National Cancer Institute /MS 1981/83; Director of the Administration Division of Hospital de Ipanema ? INAMPS 1989/90; Director of the Nursing Division of the Hospital de Ipanema/ INAMPS 1991; Assistant Director of the Phillipe Phinnel Psychiatric Institute / MS 1993; Assistant of the Administration Division of the State Nucleus of Rio de Janeiro of the Ministry of Health-1995/96; Associate Professor I, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing Alfredo Pinto ? Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - public contest in 1994. Director of the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, elected 2005-2009. Founding member and first President of the Tordesillas Group's Nursing Program 2005-2009.


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How to Cite

BORGES, L. L. .; HABERLAND, D. F.; GUIMARÃES, C. C. V. .; FELIPE, L. A. de F. .; LIMA, R. A. de .; AGUIAR, B. G. C. . Aeromedical evacuation during the health crisis caused by SARS-CoV-2 in the state of Amazonas – Brazil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. e11311326437, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i3.26437. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences