Attributions and difficulties presented by nurses in relation to nursing care for the indigenous population




Nursing professional; Indian people; Nursing.


The indigenous population expresses a range of diversity, dispersed throughout the national territory, jointly dealing with intercultural, social and challenging issues for the health of this population. Faced with health practice and the following process, the research aims to carry out a search for the next health practice and the process of initiatives by indigenous peoples, together with the following initiative, research projects on the main initiatives for health practice and for the initiatives process. The following research corresponds to a descriptive study with a qualitative methodological approach, using the Integrative Literature Review as a technique together with a PICO strategy to formulate the guiding question. The research was carried out between the months of September 2021 in the databases available within the Library Library: LILACS, MEDLINE, and available B de Saúde: AND”: AND, Povos In Enfermagemdígenas AND, with 195 publications being found in total, after the nursing professionals prepared for 26, being selected 10 articles for nursing by this review. All the people who work for the education of people who take care of education, who are people who take care of education, who are people who take care of education, who are people who take care of education, that of the education of life habits. Soon the present to the present the health recommendations of the North American peoples, who are able to serve as professionals within the health of the peoples.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, J. V. N. C. dos .; GOMES, R. S. de S. .; BARBOSA, I. E. B. .; MOTA, B. de S.; BARBOZA, S. C. do N. .; FONSECA, A. R.; ANDRADE, E. N. M. de .; MELO, F. de S.; MACIEL, M. S. .; LIRA, F. C. de F.; FRANÇA, I. F.; ALMEIDA , J. de S. .; RODRIGUES , A. J. P. da S.; SILVA, V. D. B. L. da; ROCHA, I. C. da . Attributions and difficulties presented by nurses in relation to nursing care for the indigenous population. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. e2511426834, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i4.26834. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences