Basic sanitation and environmental perception: a study in Candidópolis community in Itabira, Minas Gerais


  • Gabriela Vieira Evaristo Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira
  • Juni Cordeiro Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira
  • Cibele Andrade Alvarenga Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira
  • Lorena Torres Oporto Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira
  • Pablo Lopes Quintão Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira
  • Giovanna Moura Calazans Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira
  • José Luiz Cordeiro Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira



Water supply; rural community; sanitation; environmental education; solid waste.


In neighborhoods and rural communities, precarious sanitation conditions are observed that unleash numerous negative consequences for the inhabitants residing in these localities, and the sanitary conditions are essential for the well-being, quality of life and health of population. The lack of environmental awareness of the residents in relation to the problems that surrounds them is also a concern. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify the basic sanitation services and the environmental awareness of the residents in Candidópolis community, located in rural area ofItabira / MG. For this, questionnaires were applied to 50 community residents. The results indicate that the artesian well in the community is the most widely used alternative for water supply. As for sanitation, it was noted that more than half of the sewage is dumped into waterways without any previous treatment. With respect to the solid wastes, these are collected only once a week and there is no selective waste collection in the community. It was verified few water drainage systems, but some of them are clogged or silted. In the aspect related to environmental awareness, a part of the residents is aware of the situation experienced is not the most appropriate and they believe that the implement of new technologies would bring benefits to the community in environmental, health and quality of life. In order to solve the problems related to sanitation, the involvement of municipal institutions is essential, through the use of adequate technologies for collection and treatment of sewage and waste, considering the characteristics of the region. It is also proposed to carry out environmental education projects to the community residents in order to minimize negative environmental interventions.


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How to Cite

EVARISTO, G. V.; CORDEIRO, J.; ALVARENGA, C. A.; OPORTO, L. T.; QUINTÃO, P. L.; CALAZANS, G. M.; CORDEIRO, J. L. Basic sanitation and environmental perception: a study in Candidópolis community in Itabira, Minas Gerais. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 45-61, 2016. DOI: 10.17648/rsd-v4i1.28. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jan. 2025.


