Scientific and technological prospection of norbixin and dapsone with emphasis on wound healing
Wound Healing; Norbixin; Dapsone.Abstract
The wound healing is a complex process that depends on many factors. Thus, the search for speed and efficiency in the repair of injuries that characterize the healing has always been a target of interest in medicine. This study has as goal to map information about the biological activity of the carotenoid norbixin and the drug dapsone, aiming at the treatment of wound healing, through scientific and technological prospection in databases of publication of articles and patent deposits. The keywords “norbixin”, “dapsone” and “wound healing”, in Portuguese and English, were used with the help of the boolean operator AND. The results obtained reported a greater number of publications for the keyword “wound healing” (>95% for articles, >98% for patents). Searches involving the keyword “norbixin” show the existence of scientific and technological productions that explore the use of this carotenoid in biotechnological applications. However, just two articles and one patent report the use of this natural product for healing purposes. Fifteen articles highlighted the healing potential of the drug dapsone, associated with other drugs, in wounds resulting from rare diseases. No patent was found showing technology that had made use of this drug as a healing agent. The research developed about the compounds norbixin and dapsone contribute significantly to the opening of possibilities for new formulations and applications of these substances and, although there are still few productions relating these substances to wound healing, the scientific and technological scenario show hope for the development of studies and technologies for healing purposes.
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