Characterization and selection of inter simple sequence repeat markers for genetic studies of mesquite




ISSR; Polymorphism; Prosopis juliflora; Transferability.


Since characterization and selection of molecular markers are crucial steps in genetic research for plant conservation and/or (pre) breeding, this study aimed to describe the amplification profile of Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers in Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. so that the most suitable ones could be selected. To do so, the genomic DNA of 16 individuals collected at the Federal Institute - Campus Itapetinga, Bahia State, were extracted at the Applied Molecular Genetics Laboratory of the State University of Southwest Bahia, in Itapetinga-BA (Brazil). The amplification profile was obtained using 23 ISSR primers, visualized after electrophoresis in 2% agarose gels, and photo-documented under ultraviolet light; then, genotyping was performed. In total, amplification of 206 markers was observed, with an average of nine tags per primer, a polymorphic percentage equivalent to 90% of the markers generated; and mean polymorphic information content of 0.63. Expected and observed heterozygosity means were similar (0.28 and 0.29, respectively). Our findings confirm that ISSR primers are suitable for molecular-genetic studies of P. juliflora. Among the 23 analyzed primers, 13 can be prioritized (DiGA3’G, DiCA 3'RG, DiCA 3'YG, DiGA 3'C, DiGA 3'RC, DiGA 3'T, TriCAG 3'RC, TriTGT 3'YC, TriAAC 3'RC, TriAAG 3'RC, TriCGC 3'RC, TriGAC 3'RC, and TriGGA 3'RC) for genetic studies of P. juliflora.

Author Biographies

Quirlian Queite Araújo Anjos, State University of Southwest Bahia

Graduate Program in Animal Sciences, State University of Southwest Bahia, Brazil

Luiz Henrique Tolentino Santos, State University of Southwest Bahia

Doctor in Animal Sciences, State University of Southwest Bahia, Brazil

Messulan Rodrigues Meira, State University of Southwest Bahia

Biologist with Post-Doctorate in Environmental Sciences.

Thamires Oliveira dos Santos, State University of Southwest Bahia

Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences

Jardyelle Carvalho Lima, State University of Southwest Bahia

Biologist (UESB), Master's student in plant genetics and molecular biology (PPGGBM/UESC)

Elisa Susilene Lisboa dos Santos, State University of Southwest Bahia

Biologist, master and doctor in genetics and molecular biology. Full professor at UESB.

Carlos Bernard Moreno Cerqueira-Silva, State University of Southwest Bahia

Biologist, master and doctor in genetics and molecular biology. Professor at UESB and current Director of the Department of Exact and Natural Sciences.


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How to Cite

ANJOS, Q. Q. A. .; SANTOS, L. H. T. .; MEIRA, M. R. .; SANTOS, T. O. dos .; LIMA, J. C. .; SANTOS, E. S. L. dos .; CERQUEIRA-SILVA, C. B. M. Characterization and selection of inter simple sequence repeat markers for genetic studies of mesquite. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 9, p. e9011930070, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i9.30070. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences