Oil industry and sustainability: scientific mapping
Bibliometrics; Petroleum; Sustainable development; Health teaching.Abstract
The oil industry consists of a productive activity that integrates human, economic, and environmental resources, despite all the economic development and income generation, it has significant impacts on the environment and puts human health at risk, since it unloads large amounts of pollutants in the environment. In this sense, the present study aimed to map the state of the art of studies carried out on the oil industry, aiming to contribute to the direction of future research and the formulation of public policies. To this end, a bibliometric analysis of scientific articles produced in the last five years (2017-2021) and indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus were carried out. Keywords and the Boolean operators AND and OR were combined for the search: (("Petroleum industry" OR "Oil Industry" OR "Oil Royalties") AND ("Environmental Compensation" OR "sustainable" OR "Exploration laws")) the articles obtained were analyzed with the bibliometrix package of the R software. A total of 101 scientific articles published in 76 journals and developed by 389 authors were analyzed, 11 of them with single authorship and there was an average of 3.85 authors per document, 4.06 co-authors per document, and a collaboration index of 4.21. The publications focused on sustainable development, through the conversion of waste from these industries into new products, alternatives to mitigate the serious environmental damage resulting from the exploitation of this mineral, or even aimed at improving existing systems, seeking better energy efficiency and lower emissions of greenhouse gases.
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