New look at the influence of aesthetic procedures on women's mental health: a literature review




Mental health; Aesthetics; Feminine; Health teaching.


Objective: To recognize the influence of aesthetic procedures on women's health, since a standard of female beauty is still dictated by the media. Methodology: This is a literature review, carried out in March and April 2022, in the Lilacs, PubMed, Medline and Scielo databases, using the descriptors standardized by the Health Sciences Descriptors (Decs): mental health; aesthetics; feminine, and their English counterparts. Results and Discussion: Evidence suggests that female well-being is closely linked to the body and also to the human mind, and with advances in cosmetics and aesthetics and the continuous imposition of a standard of beauty by the media, women, to be presentable, they seek techniques to care for and shape the body. However, what is dictated, especially by the media, has caused many women to become mentally ill, from image disorders, low self-esteem to depression. Conclusion: It is evident that the understanding of the influence of aesthetic procedures on women's health is essential for the elucidation and demystification around the still predominant beauty stereotypes, as well as the awakening of women's eyes regarding the aesthetic treatments that should be carried out in a responsible manner and always with the support of professionals from different areas that can enable the reorientation with regard to body image.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, L. C. M. .; RIBEIRO, M. R. .; BRITO, F. R. .; ARAÚJO, J. dos S. .; REIS, L. A. dos . New look at the influence of aesthetic procedures on women’s mental health: a literature review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 7, p. e46811730344, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i7.30344. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Review Article