Bibliographic Coupling and Technological Advance Through the Use Vosviewer Software




Bibliographic coupling; Content analysis; Web of science base; Clusters; Vosviewer software.


The study aimed to perform the content analysis of 30 articles found in the bibliographic coupling referring to technological advances in the international literature based on Web of Science in the year 2020, through the use of the Vosviewer software. It should be noted that this article is a continuation of an infometric published in Research, Society and Development, in 2021, making only a clipping here which was called “Bibliographic Coupling”. The article has characteristics of exploratory, documentary and qualitative research. The analysis and description of 30 items/articles found in 7 Clusters were carried out. The study highlights the importance of information for the progress of societies worldwide. It is noteworthy from the reading of the 30 articles found in this bibliographic coupling that the advancement of technology has helped to find better techniques for achieving success in a given situation, whether in the medical, hospital, business areas, among others. The greater the number of references in common, the greater the strength of connection/links between the two articles, evidencing the intensity of the coupling of these two articles. Through the analysis of each article, the intention was achieved to understand the meanings and senses of the messages, which went beyond a common reading, elucidating in such a rich way the social phenomenon studied. With the use of a VOSViewer software, an improvement in the process of disclosure and transparency of the information found in the articles was obtained. Thus, rapid adaptations were achieved, as well as the time of analysis of articles and open data control in effective reproduction.

Author Biography

Jose Simão de Paula Pinto, Universidade Federal do Paraná

He has a background in systems analysis, administration and electrical engineering, with specialization in networks and distributed systems, a master's degree in informatics and a doctorate in medicine, with a focus on applied informatics to teaching and research in surgery. He worked in the private sector as an electronics technician, programmer, systems and support analyst, dba, maintenance manager and teleprocessing manager. He has extensive experience in process modeling, IT management and project management. Associate professor at UFPR, he was director of the Electronic Computing Center and coordinated the Master's in Science, Management and Information Technology. He coordinates the research group on technologies and methodologies for information and knowledge management, registered at cnpq and certified at UFPR. He coordinates an extension project in Applied Information Technology. He collaborates as an assessor at INEP, an editor at BNI-ENADE and a certifier at ENEM. With interests in electronics and its technologies, project management, information systems and data analysis, he teaches and researches topics related to information technologies, projects and technologies as a vector of strategic management. His current research interests focus on the internet of things (IoT) and its variants, application development (Apps), data management, data analysis, industry 4.0 and 5.0, cognitive systems and brain-computer communication (BCI/BMI). ).


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How to Cite

PEIXE, A. M. M. .; PINTO, J. S. de P. . Bibliographic Coupling and Technological Advance Through the Use Vosviewer Software. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 9, p. e39711931650, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i9.31650. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences