Simulation of the synergy of atmospheric emissions from the cement pole of the south coast of Paraíba on the city of Alhandra-PB




Ozone layer; Emissions; Nitrogen.


Atmospheric emissions of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), typically emitted in the cement industry, have been generating great interest on the part of these industries in quantifying the air quality in the vicinity of their emission sources. Thus, the present work aims to simulate the synergy of atmospheric emissions from the cement factories located on the south coast of Paraíba over the city of Alhandra-PB, seeking to measure the amount of polluting load on the receiver, through modeling of the gaseous compounds emitted from the point source taken as the major contributor (clinker rotary blast furnace). For this purpose, the AID software (Instant Dispersion Assessment) based on the Gauss model was used to determine the concentrations in the air resulting from these emissions. In this determination, the main meteorological parameters from 2015 to 2016 and emission kinetics necessary for modeling were addressed. The maximum concentration of PM and NOx obtained after the modeling was respectively 0.0014 μg/m³ and 0.0027 μg/m³, being well below the primary and secondary air quality limits according to CONAMA 03/90. In the case evaluated, the estimated concentration does not present health risks to the exposed population, since, given the value obtained, it cannot be perceived.

Author Biography

Caio Franklin Vieira de Figueiredo, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

He is currently studying for a Doctorate in Process Engineering at the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG, Master in Environmental Process Development at the Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP, Specialization in Work Safety Engineering at the Integrated Faculties of Patos - FIP, Bachelor of Engineering Environmental by Faculdade Internacional da Paraíba - FPB, Degree in Biological Sciences [TEACHER TRAINING FOR BASIC EDUCATION] by Faculdade de Educação Paulistana - FAEP and Technician in Agribusiness by the National Service for Rural Learning - SENAR/PB. He has teaching experience in Bachelor's Degree courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Administration and CST - Higher Education Course in Occupational Safety Technology. Other significant experiences in Lato sensu postgraduate studies as a professor in the following courses: Specialization in Renewable Energies, Work Safety Engineering, Construction Management and MASTER BIM and Paving of Roads and Highways. Interested in topics related to Engineering and Environment, with an emphasis on: Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources, Water Resources, Solid Waste Management and Civil Construction Waste, Environmental Biotechnology, Bioproducts, Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Modeling of environmental systems and safety engineering at work. Email address:


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA FILHO , G. N. de .; ARAÚJO, B. de C. S. de .; FIGUEIREDO, C. F. V. de . Simulation of the synergy of atmospheric emissions from the cement pole of the south coast of Paraíba on the city of Alhandra-PB. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 10, p. e319111033031, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i10.33031. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences