The military government, nature, and agricultural frontier in the Brazilian Midwest (1964-1979)




Economic miracle; Productive deconcentrating; Developmentalism in environmental laws; Cerrado.


The article aims to identify through the analysis of public policies and environmental laws (1964-1979) if the Brazilian State helped the agricultural frontier expansion in the Brazilian Midwest. It was made a narrative review, based in search in the database: Capes Periodical, Capes Theses and Dissertations Catalog, Google Scholar, and Mendeley as a reference manager. Also, there were consulted the sites of the Legislative Panel of the Environment Ministry for environmental laws analysis. And for Public Policies analysis: Database of Foundation Getúlio Vargas, Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The results demonstrate that the military government during the period under analysis contributed, through the publication of public policies and environmental laws, for the expansion of the agricultural frontier in the Midwest.

Author Biographies

Denise Oliveira Dias, University Federal of Goias

PhD student in Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Goiás. Master in Environment and Society from the State University of Goiás. Specialist in Environmental Law from UniAmérica. Specialist in Constitutional Law at Cers - Renato Saraiva Teaching Complex. Specialist in Environmental Management, Licensing and Auditing from Universidade Anhanguera- Uniderp. Graduated in Law from the Salgado de Oliveira University. CAPES Scholarship. Highlight of the Quadrennial of the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Society at the State University of Goiás (2016-2020).

Fausto Miziara, University Federal of Goias

Professor at the Federal University of Goiás. He holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Brasília (1986), a Master's in Sociology from the University of Brasília (1989) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Brasília (1995). He was a professor at the PPG in Rural Extension at the Federal University of Viçosa. He was director and vice-director of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Philosophy at UFG; coordinator of the PPG in Sociology and the PPG in Agribusiness at UFG. He is currently coordinator of the PPG in Environmental Sciences at UFG. He has experience in the field of Sociology, with emphasis on Rural Sociology and Environmental Sociology. The main research topics he is currently developing are linked to the expansion of the Agricultural Frontier in the Cerrado and Amazon.


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How to Cite

DIAS, D. O. .; MIZIARA, F. . The military government, nature, and agricultural frontier in the Brazilian Midwest (1964-1979). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 11, p. e520111134100, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i11.34100. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences