Anthropometric profile of patients with HIV-associated lipodystrophic syndrome in an Amazon hospital




HIV; Anthropometry; Anti-retroviral agents.


The lipodystrophic syndrome in HIV is characterized by alterations in the distribution of body fat and metabolic alterations characterized by an increase in serum lipids; peripheral insulin resistance. The questionnaires applied were: a questionnaire for characterizing adults with HIV/AIDS. Most interviewees were male (66%), aged between 29 and 73 years old, as for the level of education, 44% had completed high school. They were predominantly of low socioeconomic status. As for marital status, only 14% were married. As for the anthropometric variables, the average of male weight (66.81 kg) was greater than that of female weight (63.3 kg) and in terms of height only 0.01 m difference in height between the two groups, with men of taller than women. The mean BMI had a small difference between the two groups, thus, only 2 patients were thin; eutrophy we had 22 patients; pre obesity we had 19 patients; obesity we had 7 patients. The research has implications for professional practice, with the perception of the importance of observing, improving and intervening so that the demands of service users are met, aiming to direct actions aimed at their resolution and strengthening the patient's bond with health.


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How to Cite

LIMA, D. S. de O. G.; LIMA, J. G. B.; ROSÁRIO, D. D. S. do .; LIMA, E. V. A. da S.; AGUIAR, A. R. .; COSTA, L. B. dos S.; BRAGA, A. C. da C.; LIBONATI, R. M. F. Anthropometric profile of patients with HIV-associated lipodystrophic syndrome in an Amazon hospital. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 12, p. e132111234419, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i12.34419. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences