Effect of irradiance levels on biomass production, essential oil content and anatomy of Artemisia alba Turra





Artemisia camphorata Vill; Asteraceae; Medicinal plant; Radiancy level.


The garden camphor (Artemisia alba Turra, synonimys Artemisia camphorata Vill.-Asteraceae) is an aromatic and medicinal plant that has analgesic, antirheumatic properties to insects bite and injury. Environmental factors such as radiancy interfers in growing condictions of medicinal species making morphological and physiological changing. As purpose the influency of three radiancy levels in the vegetative growth, essential oil level and anatomical characteristics of camphor, were evaluated. At UFLA`s Medicinal Plants Garden, scions developed under three radiancy levels: 100% sunlight, 40% Aluminetâ (60% of sunlight), 80% Aluminetâ (20% of sunlight). Growth evaluations and essential oil level were made at 6 months and 1 year culture. At 6 months there was no significative difference related to accumulation was at sunlight and less at 20% sunlight, total dry biomass was bigger at sunlight at sunlight and at 60%. Essential oil level did not show difference among treatments. With an year culture at sunlight they presented higher total dry biomass accumulation of the leaves and roots. Oil level was higher at 60% and 20% punlight. A higher accumulation in the branches was at 60% and 20% sunlight during the two picking up samples period. In the anatomical characteristics was noticed an increase of the tissues thickness with the increase of sunlight level. Stomato density showed to be higher at sunlight and at 20% sunlight. (Scott-Knott, with 5% ns).


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How to Cite

ASSIS, R. M. A. de .; CHAGAS, J. H.; LEITE, J. J. F. .; SANTOS, J. P. dos .; BERTOLUCCI, S. K. V.; PINTO, J. E. B. P. Effect of irradiance levels on biomass production, essential oil content and anatomy of Artemisia alba Turra. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 13, p. e377111335565, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i13.35565. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/35565. Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences