Co-responsibility of the lay faithful in the mission of the church and in the world, in the canonical vision




Baptism; Faith; Christ; Canonical law code.


This study aims to study the current objective, the ministry, evaluating the position of the reliable objective of the 21st century, to achieve this objective of the Church, the only one who can die according to it, live and this objective of the objective charisma. of secularism. Observe the juridical condition of the laity in the Church, Christifidelis, the real ones presented, in the founding elements, through the evolution of ecclesial history, in the Benedictine Code, in Council II, in the current Legislation and in the Pontifical Documents to the Vatican arrive at the discovery of a greater understanding of lay mission in the church and in the world at large. The understanding and listing of these auxiliary solutions in the resolution of several issues brought by the post-Council, including a problematic listing of these rights. The article discusses fundamental legal rights and the distinction between having a place in the world and serving a religious purpose. In this way, permeated by historical-criticism with a conceptual method between theology and law on the laity, it offers solutions to the question of secular employment in its entirety, the inheritance of the common principle. In submitting to the mediation of Christ, each person must take into account the possibility that this mediation may be used insofar as it is observable. It investigates the reader's appreciation of the Church's doctrine, community and mission; teach the faithful reader to look at the world with reality and hope, look for the signs of civilized love. To achieve an objective intended with this article, use the bibliographic methodology.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. A. da . Co-responsibility of the lay faithful in the mission of the church and in the world, in the canonical vision. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 13, p. e280111335595, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i13.35595. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Review Article