Scientific and technological prospection of cashew gum and angico gum with emphasis on controlled drug delivery systems




Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul; Anacardium occidentale; Drug delivery.


Limitations such as instability of bioactives in a given medium or process, toxicological effects, difficulties in solubility and permeability, short half-life, high dosage, as well as non-specific action, lead to complications in the treatment of various pathologies. In this way, a system is sought in which the necessary therapeutic concentration of the drug is efficiently reached at the site of action, remaining constant during the treatment time, thus reducing the number of doses and side effects. In view of this, polymer-based bioactive delivery systems may represent a viable and promising strategy. Thus, this article aimed to identify the main studies and technological applications developed, emphasizing the controlled delivery of drugs, in publication websites and article deposits, as well as national and international patents. The following keywords: “Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul, “Anacardium occidentale”, “guma do angico/angico gum”, “guma do cashew/cashew gum” and “drug delivery” were combined using the Boolean operator AND. The articles involving the angico and cashew tree gums demonstrate an extensive domain of biological activities, proving their great potential for biotechnological applications. Technological prospecting showed that there is a small number of patents deposited compared to the publication of articles. Involving the descriptors “Anacardium occidentale”, a total of 98 patents were granted for the worldwide base, and for the descriptor “cashew gum” a total of 36 patents, and no patents were found for the descriptors “Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul”, “angico gum”, and the combinations “angico gum AND drug delivery” “cashew gum AND drug delivery”.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, L. B. P. dos .; LIMA, C. D. .; PIRES, C. S. .; CASTRO, A. V. de .; FRANCO, M. S. C. R. .; NASCIMENTO, J. M. T. de S. .; PIRES, C. J. .; SOUSA, P. S. de A. .; ROCHA, J. A. .; SILVA, D. A. da . Scientific and technological prospection of cashew gum and angico gum with emphasis on controlled drug delivery systems. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 15, p. e64111536633, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i15.36633. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences