Cost of restoring an urban spring in the municipality of Uruaçu, Goiás, in the watershed of the Passa-Três River




Permanent preservation area; Replacement cost method; Environment; Water resources.


The objective of this work was to conduct the economic valuation of a spring in the Passa-Três River basin in the urban perimeter of the municipality of Uruaçu/Goiás, in order to estimate the amount necessary to repair the damage caused by urban occupation using the Replacement Cost Method (RCM). For this, the digital elevation model (DPM) images, Google Satellite images and shapefile files from the SIEG platform were used as analysis material for the determination of the basin area, location of the spring points, spatial analysis and field work of the study area in order to identify the damage caused by urban occupation, and then estimate the cost necessary for the area restoration. All maps were generated by means of the free software QGIS 3.10 and its tool GRASS GIS. The presence of people and domestic animals in the area, the lack of fencing in the APP area, the presence of polluting material and little native vegetation, as well as the presence of gully-type erosion at the points where the surface water emerges, were identified by mapping and field work. The set of corrective actions adopted as remedial measures for the adequacy of the site following the determinations of Law No. 12,727/2012, resulted in a total cost of R$ 611,602.04 for the restoration of the spring, indicating that the preservation of an environmental area may be more economical than the repair after degradation by the misuse of its natural resources.

Author Biographies

Wellington Ribeiro Martins, Universidade Estadual de Goiás

High school completed in 2014 by the Federal Institute of Science, Education and Technology of Goiás - Uruaçu-GO Campus, and technical in Computer Science. He has a degree in Animal Science concluded in 2020/1, by the Universidade do Oeste Paulista (Unoeste), in Presidente Prudente-SP. Has researches in the areas of animal reproduction, dog breeds and use of agricultural waste for sustainable production of tropical forage. He was a scientific initiation scholarship holder by FAPESP, with process number 2019/02017-4, from June/2019 to July/2020, for a research in the area of animal reproduction. He is currently a student of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program, Master's level, in Territories and Cultural Expressions of the Cerrado (TECCER) at the State University of Goiás - UEG, UNIDADE UNIVERSITÁRIA DE ANÁPOLIS - CSEH.

Joana D'arc Bardella Castro, Universidade Estadual de Goiás

He holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the State University of Goiás (1983) and a Master's in Business Economics from the Catholic University of Brasília (2003). PhD in Economics from UnB. Postdoctoral fellow at UnB. She is currently a professor at the State University of Goiás. Professor of the Stricto Sensu Cerrado Natural Resources program - RENAC and the Stricto Sensu Territories and Cultural Expressions program in the Cerrado - TECCER. Link in the Socioeconomic and Human Sciences Unit / Anápolis. Area of ​​activity Environmental Economics and Natural Resources. Quantitative Methods, Statist, Microeconomics, Methodology, Environmental Economics, Economic Valuation. He writes on the topics: Environmental valuation, water, environment, industrial impact, polluting agents, environmental costs, growth and regional development

Adriana Aparecida Silva, Universidade Estadual de Goiás

Graduated (1999) and Bachelor in Geography (2000) from the Institute of Socio-environmental Studies (IESA), Specialist in Soil Science (2001) from the School of Agronomy (EA), Master (2004) and Doctor (2012) in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Effective Professor at the State University of Goiás (UEG) since 2004. Currently working at the Center for Teaching and Learning in Network (CEAR), where she carries out Teaching and Research activities, in addition to being in the Technology Coordinator. As a collaborator, they make up the faculty of the Interdisciplinary Master's Program "Territories and Cultural Expressions in the Cerrado" (TECCER).


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How to Cite

MARTINS, W. R.; CASTRO, J. D. B.; SILVA, A. A. Cost of restoring an urban spring in the municipality of Uruaçu, Goiás, in the watershed of the Passa-Três River . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 15, p. e228111537085, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i15.37085. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 dec. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences