Respiratory allergies and COVID-19: an investigation of the clinical coexistence and its relation to complementary practice prevention and treatment




Comorbities; Chronical diseases; COVID-19; Probiotics.


After WHO declared the COVID-19’s pandemic at 2020, they sought to clarify the relation between risk and protection factors for the disease, among them, obesity, respiratory diseases, metabolic diseases and cardiovascular diseases. This study sought to relate chronical comorbidities with the gravity of the symptoms caused by the pandemic diseases. In addition, they investigated habits like the use of probiotics for the amenization of the allergic symptoms and the impact at the symptomatology of COVID-19. It´s about an original transversal epidemiologic study, analyzed through an online questionary with 550 participants above 18 years old, who agreed to the Free and clarified consentient terms. It was concluded that being in a family with a rent of 4 or more minimal wages and living with friends have an oppositive relation with the gravity of COVID-19 symptoms, while has a rent less than a minimal wage related with higher risks. Non transmissible chronical diseases like overweight/ obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, chronic arterial hypertension and anemia are related to a worse prognosis of the disease. No significative relevance was obtained between the gravity of the symptoms and de chronical respiratory diseases, not even any relation with the use of the probiotics.


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How to Cite

TANQUE, G. R.; ANDRADE, M. C.; CAPUCCI, V. S. Respiratory allergies and COVID-19: an investigation of the clinical coexistence and its relation to complementary practice prevention and treatment. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e254111638267, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.38267. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences