Environmental and genetic factors associated with the development of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus: systematic review
Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Genetic markers; Biomarkers.Abstract
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is one in which the amount of insulin is unable to supply the supply of glucose, it is one of the diseases that affects people in the world. The developmental factors are environmental factors and genetic factors, both of which can be slowed down if people adhere to a healthy lifestyle. The main objective of this work is to seek to understand and describe the environmental and genetic factors in DM2. This is a systematic review of articles published from 2012 to 2022 written in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Exclusion criteria were: articles published before 2015, that are not written in Portuguese, Spanish or English and that do not have information related to DM2. 19 articles were selected for this study, only 10 were included and 9 supported the arguments suggested by the main ones. The following were described as environmental factors: obesity, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and hypertension. Genetic factors: Polymorphism of the XRCC3 T241M, XRCC1 399Gln and FTO rs3751812 genes and genetic damage to β-pancreatic cells. It can be concluded that the basis of the pathogenesis of DMT2 comes from bad habits and sedentary lifestyle and underlying diseases, factors that are easily prevented with changes in quality of life, better eating habits and the practice of physical exercises. As for other factors such as genetics, their discovery may suggest a style that will delay the onset of DMT2.
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