Phytotherapy as an adjunct in the treatment of binge eating disorder




Phytotherapy; Griffonia; Binge eating disorder.


With the increase in the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders, society started to adhere to the use of non-drug treatments, opting for the use of folk medicine, mainly because its principle is non-pharmacological and in a way is more harmful to the body, and for the Food Compulsion the most found use is Griffonia Simplicifolia is a plant that contains 5-HTP which is a precursor of serotonin (5-HT) and melatonin (MLT), is found in West Africa, its use is related to improvement mood, sleep regulation and weight loss. Given the context presented, this article aims to present the relationship of herbal medicine treatment as an adjunct in binge eating disorder. This is an integrative literature review, carried out between January and March of the year 2022, based on the PICo strategy, where P- represents an acronym for Patient or Problem (Eating Compulsion), I- Intervention (use of herbal medicines in the treatment of binge eating disorder), Co-Context (treatment with herbal medicines). A search was carried out in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), using the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS): “Phytotherapy”, “Griffonia” and “Compulsive Eating Disorder”, thus, 25 articles were used to compose this review. The use of phytotherapy is, therefore, an important ally for the treatment of various disorders. The use of folk medicine is of great help when used correctly and prescribed by a qualified professional.


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How to Cite

COSTA, K. D. I. da; CARVALHO, B. S. .; SANTANA, L. G. H. .; MARTINS, T. M. .; RODRIGUES, R. de C. .; TOUSSAINT, L. S. M. .; FURTADO, Érida Z. L. .; RIOS, A. D. R. T.; NERI, G. V. A. .; ZANONI, R. D. . Phytotherapy as an adjunct in the treatment of binge eating disorder. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e432111638331, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.38331. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences