Sugarcane productivity under localized irrigation: a systematic review




Irrigated cultivation; irrigated cane; drip; irrigation; water; Saccharum officinarum.


Sugarcane is one of the crops that has been expanding more and more in Brazil, increasing its planted areas day after day and, consequently, its production of sugar and ethanol. This review aims to evaluate productivity and agronomic aspects resulting from production under localized irrigation. Independent researchers analyzed the databases; Science Direct and Scopus, without language restriction, for articles published between January 1990 and May 2018. We include articles with the following characteristics: (a) cane and/or Saccharum officinarum, sugarcane, (b) irrigation and/or water management, availability of sugarcane, availability of water for irrigation of sugarcane, cultivation with a larger irrigated area, increased productivity, coefficient of water requirement for cultivation (c) localized irrigation, cane drip irrigation and drip irrigation in sugar cane. Of the studies analyzed, 100% found beneficial effects of the use of localized irrigation on the productivity of sugarcane, some articles reported that the influence of the implantation cost is greater than in other systems, however, it was concluded that the localized irrigation it was superior in all the attributes analyzed in the present study as gain in the increase of the stem yield. Observing that the irrigation system was more productive in all comparisons.

Author Biographies

Manoel Henrique Reis de Oliveira, Instituto Federal Goiano, campus Ceres

Mestre em Irrigação no Cerrado pelo Instituto Federal Goiano campus Ceres

Antonio Evami Cavalcante Sousa, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Eloisa Aparecida da Silva Ávila, Instituto Federal Goiano, campus Ceres

Mestre em Irrigação no Cerrado pelo Instituto Federal Goiano campus Ceres

Rafaela Santos de Oliveira, Faculdade Evangélica de Goianésia

Graduando em Agronomia pela Faculdade Evangélica de Goianésia

Rafael Matias da Silva, Instituto Federal Goiano, campus Ceres

Mestre em Irrigação no Cerrado pelo Instituto Federal Goiano campus Ceres

Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura, Instituto Federal Goiano, campus Rio Verde

Doutorando em Ciências Agrárias - Agronomia pelo Instituto Federal Goiano campus Rio Verde


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. H. R. de; SOUSA, A. E. C.; ÁVILA, E. A. da S.; OLIVEIRA, R. S. de; SILVA, R. M. da; VENTURA, M. V. A. Sugarcane productivity under localized irrigation: a systematic review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 7, p. e104973966, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i7.3966. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences