The use of immunomodulators in fish feed: A review
Aquaculture; Immunity; Functional nutrients; Gut health.Abstract
The use of immunostimulants in fish is a preventive method to combat infections that frequently affect animals in the productive environment, being a biological alternative with great potential to replace antibiotics. They can be divided into two groups, immunonutrients (vitamins, minerals and amino acids) and non-nutritional immunostimulants (essential oils, plant extracts, herbal medicines, prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics), which are currently the most used. Both alternatives aim to maximize performance, reduce stress, improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract and consequently immunity and resistance to disease in fish. Thus, this literature review aims to address the different immunomodulators used in fish farming, emphasizing the types of immunomodulators, mechanism of action in the body, levels of inclusion, as well as reporting studies carried out with different species produced in an intensive system of large scale.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rubia Mara Gomes Acunha; Danilo de Souza Sanches; Rômulo Guilherme dos Santos Almeida; Fúlvia Cristina Oliveira; Michelly Pereira Soares; Marilda Ribeiro Soares Davalo; Maria Eduarda Vasconcellos Mendes da Silva; Kathianne Kelli Chaves de Oliveira; Cristiane Meldau de Campos

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