Analysis of epidemiological and hospital characteristics of malignant neoplasm of the prostate regarding cases registered in Brazil in the last 5 years




Prostatic Neoplasms; Public health; Epidemiology.


Prostate cancer is the second most frequent pathology among men in all regions of the country, proving to be the most common in the elderly male population. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze hospitalizations due to prostate cancer, in people between 40 and 80 years of age or older, in Brazil and its regions, in the last 5 years. This is a descriptive, retrospective and analytical study about hospitalizations due to prostate cancer, elaborated through secondary data, in people between 40 and 80 years old or more, in the period from 2018 to 2022, in Brazil and its macro-regions. In the analyzed period, 161,614 hospitalizations for prostate cancer were registered, in people between 40 and 80 years old or more, in Brazil. With regard to geographic regions, the largest number of hospitalizations is concentrated in the Southeast region, with 82,770 cases. Regarding age group, patients aged 60 to 69 years were the most affected, representing a total of 31,268 cases. As for the informed ethnicity of hospitalized people, the highest number of cases prevailed among hospitalized people of mixed ethnicity, with a total of 64,837 cases. Finally, regarding the mortality rate, only the Northeast and Southeast regions, respectively, remained below the national average of 9.67. This research demonstrates that prostate cancer is a public health problem, subject to early diagnosis and preventive care.


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How to Cite

SILVA, A. L. .; DUARTE, G. V. .; CRISTINO, R. A. .; SILVA, C. M. J. da .; FREITAS , C. M. de .; BEZERRA, A. H. .; SALMEN, N. F. .; SILVA , R. R. C. de M. e .; PAZ, D. de A. .; SILVA, E. L. D. da . Analysis of epidemiological and hospital characteristics of malignant neoplasm of the prostate regarding cases registered in Brazil in the last 5 years. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. e28412441386, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i4.41386. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences