The importance of carbohydrate for sports performance in running athletes: an integrative literature review
Carbohydrates; Running; Sports Performance; Sport; Nutrition; Endurance; Supplementation.Abstract
Objective: To discuss the relevance of carbohydrates for runners, emphasizing strategies that optimize sports performance. Methodology: this is an integrative literature review, carried out from the search for scientific publications indexed in the databases: MEDLINE via PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Dynamed, Dialnet, as well as the UniCEUB search platforms , based on scientific articles, books and scientific magazines in Portuguese and English. The following descriptors were used: carbohydrates, runners, sports performance, sport, nutrition, endurance and supplementation. At the end of the searches, 10 publications met the eligibility criteria and were selected to compose the study. Results: in view of the findings extracted from the selected studies, it was noticed that carbohydrate intake is of fundamental importance for the performance of running athletes. Incorporating multiple carbohydrates, such as glucose and fructose, into the same mixture can produce remarkable results. Furthermore, it has been shown that mouthwash containing carbohydrates appears to be a smart method for runners to use in order to improve physical performance in running while avoiding the discomfort of gastrointestinal problems. Conclusion: The present study made runners aware of the need for adequate carbohydrate intake during training and competitions, as well as nutritional strategies to obtain a good performance, a better performance in training and, consequently, an increase in quality of life.
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