Comparative cutting ability and cleaning efficiency of four nickel-titanium rotary endodontic instruments




Endodontics; Root canal preparation; Dental instruments; Nickel; Titanium.


The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the cutting capacity of 4 endodontic instruments of the Ni-Ti rotary system was evaluated according to the number of uses in 20 blocks with simulated phenolic resin channels (Baquelite®) and 750 of curvature, being tested 20 files of different brands divided into 4 groups: GA–Twisted File® files (25/12, 25/10, 25/08, 25/06, 25/04) (n=5); GB- LimasBioRaCe®(08/25, 05/15, 04/25, 06/25, 04/35 and 04/40) (n=6); GC–Files Mtwo® (10/04, 15/05, 20/06 and 25/06) (n=4) and GD–Limes EndoWave® (35/08, 30/06, 25/ .06, 06/20 and 02/15) (n=5). Files and blocks were washed before use. The blocks were dried with absorbent paper and oven at 1000C for 2 h, weighed before and after on a precision scale (SA–210, Quimes). In both groups, an X-Smart® motor (Dentsply/Maillefer, Switzerland) was used for instrumentation with a speed of 300rpm and programmed torque control and 1.6N of force. Initially, the canal was irrigated with 5mL of 1% sodium hypochlorite (Officinalis®) and instrumentation auxiliary chemical substance Endo PTC® cream neutralized by 1% sodium hypochlorite and irrigation/aspiration of the canal with 5mL of hypochlorite solution 1% sodium. The Mtwo® instrument promoted greater resin removal, that is, greater efficiency in cutting the simulated canal followed by the BioRaCe® file, EndoWave® in the five different uses, while the TwistedFile® instrument removed less material. The substrate based on phenolic resin showed stability in the wear tests with respect to weight loss of the blocks.

Author Biographies

Paulo Roberto Gromatzky, Universidade Brasil

Brasil University,Brazil

Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães, Universidade Brasil

Brasil University, Brazil

Adalberto Fidalgo da Costa, Universidade Brasil



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How to Cite

GROMATZKY, P. R. .; MAGALHÃES, D. S. F. .; COSTA, A. F. da .; ROSA, L. C. L. da .; PEDRON, I. G. .; SHITSUKA, C.; MEDEIROS, J. M. F. de . Comparative cutting ability and cleaning efficiency of four nickel-titanium rotary endodontic instruments. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 7, p. e14212742280, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i7.42280. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences