Technologies in endodontic treatment of calcified channels: Case report




Endodontics; Cone Beam Computed Tomography; Operatory microscopy; Pulp chamber; Root canal treatment; Ultrasonics.


Root canals calcification can be caused by several factors such as dental trauma, physiological aging, circulatory disorders in the pulp and genetic predisposition. Given the great variability and unpredictability of endodontic treatments in calcified root canals, the level of difficulty of these therapies becomes high. In clinical practice and supported by the literature, it is possible to describe two endodontic techniques and their specificities, one in which the technology called “microsonics” is used, which involves the use of an operating microscope associated with the use of ultrasonic inserts, and the second one with the use of another technology called endoguide, which consists in using a guided access via tomography to overcome the calcification and locate the root canal. Objective: To report a clinical case in which a specific technique was used to negotiate a calcified root canal. Case description: Patient T.P.C., 50 years old, was referred for endodontic treatment of element 12, who presented clinically painful symptoms and radiographically calcification of the root canal. Computed tomography was requested, and endodontic treatment was performed in two appointments, making it necessary to use an operating microscope, ultrasonic equipment and its inserts. Conclusions: The use and association of new technological resources in endodontics, such as ultrasonic tips under magnification and guided endodontics, provides professionals with greater operational ease and safety in complex cases, thus increasing their chance of success.

Author Biographies

Jaqueline Oliveira Neves Legatti, Universidade de Itaúna

Possui graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade de Itaúna-MG.(2003). Especialista em Endodontia pelo IES PÓS GRADUAÇÃO (2013). Atualmente é Endodontista atuando em Clinica Odontológica particular NEODONTO desde 2009. Trabalha com monitoria dos Cursos de Pós Graduação em Endodontia do IES PÓS GRADUAÇÂO - Instituto de Estudos da Saúde: Sérgio Feitosa (desde AGO 2022). Fez Aperfeiçoamento em Endodontia pelo CETRO-BH. Congressista nos Congressos: CANAL MUNIAL (2009) - Congresso de Odontologia e no IV MEETING LAB. CLÉLIO DE ODONTOLOGIA MODERNA (2014). Aperfeiçoamento em Estética Global do Sorriso pelo IBO (2015), COURSE OF MIPPIS + HRT FACIAL TRAINNING (2017), XIV CIOMIG (2021), Atualização em Endodontia no Curso de ENDODONTIA AVANÇADA (2021) e IMERSÃO EM ENDODONTIA AVANÇADA ENDO IT (2023). Congressista no CANAL MUNDIAL (2023). Tem experiência na área de Odontologia, com ênfase em Endodontia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: endodontia, endodontics, odontologia, tomografia computadorizada e diagnóstico.

Luíza Cruz Guimarães, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

Graduated in Dentistry from PUC Minas (2008), Specialist in Endodontics from IES PÓS GRADUAÇÃO (2013), Master's (2016) and Doctorate (2020) in Dentistry, concentration area Endodontics from UFMG. He is currently an Endodontist working in private practice since 2013; professor of the Graduate Courses in Dentistry at UNIBH (since SEP 2021), and at UNA Contagem (since AUG 2022). Coordinator of specialization courses in endodontics at IES POST GRADUATION and professor of Specialization and Improvement Courses at institutions: FUNORTE (since DEC 2019) and IES POST GRADUATION (since AUG 2013). She was a substitute professor at the Graduate Course in Dentistry at UFMG (from 2020-2021) and at the Graduate Course in Dentistry at FACSETE (from 2017-2020). He has experience in Dentistry, with emphasis on Endodontics, acting on the following subjects: endodontics, endodontics, dentistry, computed tomography and diagnosis.


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How to Cite

LEGATTI, J. O. N. .; AGUILAR, M. M. R.; COELHO, V. B. .; ALMEIDA, G. de C. .; GUIMARÃES, L. C. . Technologies in endodontic treatment of calcified channels: Case report. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 8, p. e10112842596, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i8.42596. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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