The COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, consequences on mental health and coping strategies: an integrative review




Adaptation strategy; Quarantine; SARS-CoV-2; Mental health.


Objective: to carry out an analysis of the consequences for mental health arising from the period of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic and to foreshadow coping strategies to minimize them. Methodology: this is an integrative literature review, carried out based on the search for scientific publications indexed in the databases: MEDLINE via PubMed, Europe PMC, Lilacs and SciELO. The following descriptors were used: COVID-19, social isolation, pandemics and mental health. At the end of the searches, 49 publications met the eligibility criteria and were selected to compose the study. Results: in view of the findings extracted from the selected studies, it was noticed that individuals subjected to social isolation are more susceptible to presenting mental health disorders, due to deprivation and social restraint, with symptoms of psychological distress, especially related to stress, anxiety and depression. Conclusion: this study allowed us to reflect on the need to ensure clear and informative communication on strategies to reduce these symptoms of psychological distress, in addition to providing fundamental psychological and social support for these vulnerable individuals.

Author Biographies

Mara Dantas Pereira, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Graduated in Psychology at Tiradentes University - UNIT (2019). He is currently a Senior Member of the Tiradentes Psychoanalysis League - LIPT/UNIT; Collaborator and Member of the Human Motricity Biosciences Laboratory League - LABIMH / UNIT and Member of the Education, Technologies and Contemporary Research Group - GPETEC/UNIT

Leonita Chagas de Oliveira, Graduated in Psychology at Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil. Master's student in Psychology at the Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL, Maceió/AL, Brazil.

Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL

Cleberson Franclin Tavares Costa, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Master and Doctor by the Postgraduate Program in Health and Environment - PSA, from Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Professor in the Department of Psychology at Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Collaborator and Member of the Human Motricity Biosciences Laboratory - LABIMH, Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Claudia Mara de Oliveira Bezerra, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Master in Psychology from the Federal University of Sergipe - UFS, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Professor and Perceptor in the Department of Psychology at Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Míria Dantas Pereira, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Graduated in Pharmacy from Universidade Tiradentes - UNIT (2019). She is currently Collaborator and Member of the Laboratory of Biosciences of Human Motricity Laboratory - LABIMH/UNIT.

Cristiane Kelly Aquino dos Santos, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Master and PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Health and Environment - PSA, from Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Collaborator and Member of the Laboratory of Biosciences of Human Motricity - LABIMH, Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas, Tiradentes University - UNIT/Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

Master in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1986); PhD in Physical Education by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1988) and post-doctorate in Psychophysiology at the University Gama Filho (1998).

Professor in the Post-Graduate Program in Health and Environmental Sciences - PSA, at Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.

Professor in the Strict Sensitive Postgraduate Program in Nursing and Biosciences - PPgEnfBio, at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.

Leading Researcher at the Human Motricity Biosciences Laboratory - LABIMH, Tiradentes University - UNIT, Aracaju/SE, Brazil.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, M. D.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. de; COSTA, C. F. T.; BEZERRA, C. M. de O.; PEREIRA, M. D.; SANTOS, C. K. A. dos; DANTAS, E. H. M. The COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, consequences on mental health and coping strategies: an integrative review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 7, p. e652974548, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i7.4548. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.



Review Article