Prevalence and associated factors with falls among elderly attended by a Family Health Strategy (ESF) in Itumbiara, GO




Elderly; Falls; Elderly health; Collective health.


Purpose: Identify and analyze the factors associated with falls in elderly people registered in three ESFs in Itumbiara. Methods: This is an exploratory, descriptive study carried out with elderly people registered in the ESF. Results: Foram interviewed 24 young people from 60 years of age, being the most common age between 66 and 69 years, in their majority as a complete fundamental ensino and monthly income of 01 minimum wage. 2/3 two interviewees presented comorbidities, most commonly being systemic arterial hypertension, isolated or associated. It was seen that 66.66% of the children suffered a loss in their ability to carry out their daily activities and 75% reported living with someone, and two thirds of the interviewees reported that they suffered at least one last year. Conclusion: We are left with a frequent situation in the ESF of Itumbiara, representing a public health problem, capable of causing consequences that cause morbidity and disability.


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How to Cite

ÁVILA, C. O. de .; NOGUEIRA, A. J. da C. .; VITORINO, E. B. .; BORTOLIN, G. I. .; CAMPOS, G. R. .; SANTOS, P. R. .; VIEIRA, D. . Prevalence and associated factors with falls among elderly attended by a Family Health Strategy (ESF) in Itumbiara, GO . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 9, p. e4113946979, 2024. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v13i9.46979. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 feb. 2025.



Health Sciences