Evaluation of fungi in the control of fruit flies in the preservation of the Brazilian fruit market





Entomopathogenic fungi; Biological control; Fruit fly.


Biological control, with the use of entomopathogenic fungi, has been one of the promising alternatives in the control of fruit flies. This study aimed to evaluate the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi of the species Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. and Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) in 2nd and 3rd instar larvae, pupae and adults of the fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae). The experiment was conducted at the Invertebrate Zoology and Phytopathology Laboratories at the Center for Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Paraíba, in the municipality of Areia - PB. In this study, two isolates, Metarhizium anisopliae IDCB425 and Beauveria bassiana IDCB66, were used in different concentrations. It was found that the potential for infection of both isolates is greater in larvae of 2nd and 3rd instars and adults of C. capitata, than in pupae. The mortality rate of C. capitata increases as the suspensions become more concentrated. The IDCB66 isolate from B. bassiana is more efficient to C. capitata than the IDCB425 isolate from M. anisopliae.

Author Biography

Patrício Borges Maracajá, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Engenheiro Agrônomo pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba concluído em (1981) e Licenciatura em Teologia pelo CEPRAC em (2007), efetuou o doutorado (1991 - 1995) recebendo o titulo de Doutor Engenheiro Agrônomo pela Universidade de Córdoba - Espanha em (1995) que foi Convalidado pela USP ESALQ - Piracicaba - SP em 1996 como o titulo de D. Sc .: Entomologia. Conceito CAPES 7. Trabalhou na Extensão na Secretaria de Agricultura da PB e Projeto Sertanejo em Picuí - PB e Campina Grande - PB, ensinou na UEPB - Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (Campus II Lagoa Seca - PB), na ESAM atualmente UFERSA - Universidade Federal do Semiárido no Campus de Mossoró - RN) e aposentou-se como professor Titular da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande - CCTA - Campus de Pombal - PB, Atualmente é professor visitante do CCJS da UFCG de Sousa - PB.


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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, W. L. de .; NASCIMENTO, M. L. do .; BRITO, C. H. de .; SILVA, M. L. M. da .; BATISTA, J. de L. .; LEITE, P. I. P. .; NETO, J. N. de O. .; OLIVEIRA, A. N. de .; MEDEIROS, A. C. de .; MARACAJÁ, P. B. . Evaluation of fungi in the control of fruit flies in the preservation of the Brazilian fruit market. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. e119107709, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.7709. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/7709. Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences