Face validity of the LEAPA instrument for morphologic description of benign organic injury of the vocal folds





Dysphonia; Laryngoscopy; Validation Study; Technical report


Objectives: The study aims to present the face and content validation of the LEAPA instrument, proposing a systematization for static description of the laryngoscopic findings of the benign organic lesions of the vocal folds with emphasis on the use of key elements of the morphological description (location / L / , extension / E /, organic aspect / A /, plurality / P /, associations / A /). The importance of this instrument is that dysphonia is highly prevalent world wide and in about 50% of cases it occurs due to benign vocal fold injuries. Thus, the morpho-functional visualization of the larynx through laryngoscopy and the ability to write a reliable technical report of the examination findings are essential for the correct diagnosis of dysphonia. Methods: A face evaluation was developed by 13 laryngology specialists to analyze the reliability of the lesion description method using Cronbach's alpha coefficient using 17 thought-provoking questions. Results: the LEAPA instrument obtained high internal consistency and high reliability (alpha 0.94). Conclusion: LEAPA allows the morphological description of benign vocal fold injuries, contributing to the preparation of concise laryngoscopic reports, with a uniform, reliable and correct diagnostic impression for this group of injuries.

Author Biographies

Alexandre Augusto Fernandes, Federal University of Sergipe

PhD in Health Science Graduate Program, Federal University of Sergipe

Ricardo Queiroz Gurgel, Federal University of Sergipe

Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Medicine and Health Sciences Graduate Program, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil.

Jeferson Sampaio DAvila, Federal University of Sergipe

Professor of Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Medicine and Health Science Graduate Program. Pos Doc Lisbon University.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, A. A.; GURGEL, R. Q.; DAVILA, J. S.; BEDAQUE, H. Face validity of the LEAPA instrument for morphologic description of benign organic injury of the vocal folds. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e839998176, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.8176. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/8176. Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences