The Importance of Primary Health Care in Patients Affected by Covid-19




Covid-19; Primary care; coronavirus; Care.


This article aims to analyze the importance of primary care in patients affected by Covid-19. The current study is characterized as a review of integrative literature of the exploratory and explanatory type, with a qualitative approach. To carry out this study, the following databases were consulted: MEDLINE, Scholar google and SCIELO. DeCS was used in an associated way: Covid-19, Primary Care, Coronavirus and care, available in Portuguese and English and published between the years 2017 to 2020 It can be seen that of the 8 selected articles, 50% (4) of the articles selected were preceded by Scholar google and 50% (4) by Scielo. In addition, it was found that 100% (8) of the articles used were from the year 2020. The articles are widely discussed, in several aspects, such as the importance of PHC in patients with covid-19 patients and how to prevent the virus. Furthermore, among the selected articles, it is noted that the search for an effective therapy is constant in patients affected by covid-19, exhibiting new discoveries and increasingly expanding the possibilities available. The design of the respective correspond to a randomized clinical trial , literature reviews, cross-sectional studies and descriptive exploratory research. PHC plays a decisive role in health protection, in the prevention and control of infectious diseases through early diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and individual and family monitoring, being fundamental to the health / disease process. Infection control includes measures that reduce the risk of transmission in the unit itself, at home and in the community.


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How to Cite

SILVA FILHO, P. S. da P. .; SILVA, R. L. dos R. e; PAIVA, M. L. R. de .; SILVA, A. N. da .; SANTOS, B. S. P. dos .; SOUSA, D. C. de .; MOREIRA, G. B. O.; BRITO, A. C. S. .; SILVA, F. J. A. da .; LEAL, Érika L. G. .; SILVA, T. S. M. da .; ARAÚJO, R. M. de .; SOUZA, D. B. .; FIGUEIREDO, B. L. de S. .; NASCIMENTO, H. M. S.; CUNHA, B. de P. R. . The Importance of Primary Health Care in Patients Affected by Covid-19. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. e829108260, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.8260. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dec. 2024.



Review Article