Reflections on invasive procedures and interventions in care of birth and birth assistance




Labor obstetric; Humanizing delivery; Humanization of assistence; Obstetric nursing.


Objective: to historically recover the principles and guidelines of humanized assistance in childbirth and birth and to critically reflect on the use of invasive procedures and interventions during this process. Method: a descriptive, qualitative and reflective study, based on the critical reading of the National Guidelines for Assistance to Normal Childbirth of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. Results: the abusive intervention process has contributed to disrespect and, above all, the non-guarantee of rights women to experience childbirth with a lower prevalence of health problems, and the safety of women and the fetus prevailing. Conclusion: care must be focused on physiological aspects of the female body to fully articulate the rational and scientific use of interventions to the needs of women.


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How to Cite

MEDEIROS, A. S. de S. .; MACHADO, M. G. .; RODRIGUES, D. P.; ALVES, V. H. .; REIS, L. C. dos .; PAULA , E. de .; BRANCO, M. B. L. R. .; SANTOS, . M. V. dos .; AGUIAR , C. C. V. de .; SAMPAIO , L. B. C. .; LIMA, L. M. .; CASTRO, T. M. de .; VIANA, A. P. da S. . Reflections on invasive procedures and interventions in care of birth and birth assistance. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. e7869109063, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.9063. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences