Ventrogluteal site in intramuscular injections: a study of nurse training




Education Nursing; Nursing Practical; Nursing Education Research; Health Human Resource Training; Injections intramuscular.


Objective: to investigate the influence that the training process of nursing has on the use of the ventrogluteal site for intramuscular injections. Methods: this is an exploratory, qualitative and quantitative study, 23 semi-structured interviews were conducted in the period from October to November 2017. Results: it was found that during the training of 47.83% of the interviewees, the four sites for intramuscular injection were approached, whereas for 52.17% the Hochstetter Technique was not addressed. Regarding the frequency of use of the Ventro Gluteal region for intramuscular administration, 82.61% of the interviewees stated that they never used the region and 17.39% used it, but without frequency. Final considerations: there is a need to review the way of teaching intramuscular medication administration during the training of nursing. It becomes essential to increase students' autonomy and provide the insertion of the Hochstetter technique in practice to the use of active teaching methodologies in nursing.

Author Biographies

Cristiano Oliveira de Souza, State University of Bahia

Professor at the State University of Bahia - Campus XII and CEEP in Health and Management. Graduated in Nursing from UniFG (2010), Master in Health Education from the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri - Campus JK. He has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Public Health, acting mainly on the following topics: IM medication administration, Hochstetter Technique, professional education, care for users of alcohol, crack and other drugs guided by Harm Reduction and teacher training.

Geraldo Cunha Cury, Federal University of Minas Gerais

HEAD TEACHER OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF MINAS GERAIS. Medical degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1980). He holds a master's degree in Veterinary Medicine / Epidemiology / UFMG (1987) and a doctorate in Medicine (Tropical Medicine) from UFMG (1993). Full Professor FM UFMG. He has experience in the field of Public Health, with an emphasis on Medical Education and Epidemiology, working mainly on the following topics: training of human resources in health, medical education, evaluation, rural internship and family health.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, C. O. de .; CURY, G. C. Ventrogluteal site in intramuscular injections: a study of nurse training. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. e87891110563, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i11.10563. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences