Yield components and chemical composition of grains from Salvia hispanica L. genotypes cultivated in Western Paraná under different population densities
Chia; Cultivation; Grains; Chemical composition.Abstract
The study aimed to compare different population densities of cultivation for chia, ChiaSE and ChiaSB genotypes, for attributes of agronomic importance and chemical composition of these grains. The experiment was carried out in January/May 2019 in the municipality of São Miguel do Iguaçu, Paraná. The experiment was carried out in randomized blocks with three repetitions in a factorial scheme, testing the genotypes ChiaSE and ChiaSB in cultivated with 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 thousand plants.ha-1. Morpho-agronomic variables and the chemical composition of the grains were evaluated for all experimental units. The results revealed that the genotypes emit branches in the same period and independent of the population, starting flowering at 90 days. It was found that the population has an influence on the height of the plants, happening an increase in height with a growth in plant density, occurring lodging for crops with 80 thousand plants.ha-1. There was also a population increase for ChiaSE resulting in a greater number of branches and inflorescences per plant in relation to ChiaSB, without changes in the size of the inflorescences. The ChiaSE is more productive compared to ChiaSB, with 70 thousand plants.ha-1 being the most recommended for grain production. ChiaSE and ChiaSB grains are rich in proteins and lipids, and the population has no effect on the composition. Finally, it is concluded that chia can be grown in a low-lying location in western Paraná, with ChiaSE being the most promising genotype, and responding to population growth without influencing the chemical composition of the grains.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Debora Pereira; Adilson Ricken Schuelter; Diogo Dembocurski; Fernanda Rengel dos Passos; Keiti Lopes Maestre; Edson Antônio da Silva; Marcia Regina Fagundes Klen

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