Perception and knowledge of the nurse in front of the conservative treatment of kidney disease




Renal insufficiency chronic; Inpatient care units-hospital; Continuing education.


Conservative treatment of renal patients is necessary in all instances of kidney disease progression, given the exponential increase in patients undergoing dialysis therapy. The nurse has a key role in the management of the disease, requiring knowledge about all forms of treatment, treatment therapies and specific care that the patient needs. Objective: to verify the knowledge of nurses, active in assisting patients with progression of renal function loss, on dialysis therapies, as well as to identify their perceptions about conservative treatment in a hospitalization unit. Methodology: study of a qualitative approach in a university hospital in the state of São Paulo. The study population was nurses who worked in the Adult Inpatient Unit. A semi-structured interview was conducted with discursive questions, analyzed according to the discourse of the collective subject of Bardin. Results: ten nurses composed the research and from the analysis of the interview transcripts, two categories emerged: nurses 'knowledge about dialysis therapies and nurses' knowledge and perception about conservative treatment. Conclusion: It is contemplated that nurses have knowledge about dialysis therapies and conservative treatment. However, the importance of continuing education in all intra-hospital sectors on dialysis and conservative treatment of renal patients is emphasized.


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How to Cite

CAMARGO, A. O.; REBELO, T. E. C. .; RAVAGNANI, J. F. .; RODRIGUES, A. S. .; MILAGRES, C. S. Perception and knowledge of the nurse in front of the conservative treatment of kidney disease. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. e5310212237, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i2.12237. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences