Human identification techniques in Forensic Dentistry
Forensic Anthropology; Forensic Dentistry; Victims Identification; Forensic sciences.Abstract
Human identification is extremely important in legal and social questions. Various methods have been developed and improved over the years to establish individual identity through forensic dentistry. The aim of this study was to analyze, through a literature review, techniques used by Forensic Dentistry in human identification. For that purpose, full articles were collected on the following forensic identification techniques used by Forensic Dentistry: radiographic exams; stages of tooth mineralization; paranasal sinuses; palatal rugoscopy; saliva; bite marks and lip impressions. With the exception of the technique that uses the bite marks that are only used for cases of exclusion of identification, all the others were effective for human identification, either alone or associated with other methods. Each technique has advantages, disadvantages, limitations in its application and specific indications that must be analyzed according to the individual cases and available materials to compare ante mortem and post mortem records. In this context, it is essential that the dental professionals, who works in the dental clinic, properly fill out and keep the records of their patients. In this digital age, keeping imaging tests, whether radiological (such as radiographs and CT scans) or not (such as photographs and intraoral 3D scans) is simple, practical, and of fundamental forensic importance.
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