Phytochemical Analysis of Secondary Root Metabolisms and Plant Leaf Phyllanthus Niruri L. (Stone Breaker)




Kidney Calculi; Phytotherapy; Pharmaceutical services.


Objective: Perform phytochemical analysis of the secondary metabolisms of the root and leaf of the plant Phyllanthus Niruri L. (Stone Breaker). Methods: The experimental procedures as well as the phytochemical analysis followed the recommendations evidenced in the manual of Barbosa et al., (2001) entitled "Manual for Phytochemical and Chromotographic Analysis of Plant Extracts". The collection of the plant Phyllanthus Niruri, known as "stonebreaker", took place from March 2015 until April of the same year, in the city of Boa Vista-Roraima. The study process began with the drying of the plant for five days in an environment without interference from sunlight, then the analysis of metabolisms using parts of the leaf and root, the gross weight of the leaf was equivalent to 1.680g and the root was 0.103g. Results: It was possible to show through the experiment the presence of tannins, flavonoids. The results obtained were for tannin-positive leaf, flavonoid and for flavonoid-positive root only. Conclusion: The results help to set up a strategy to help in the search for new inputs that has in view the cost-benefit ratio and contribute to future research with medicinal plants.

Author Biographies

Idonilton da Conceição Fernandes, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Post-graduating in Clinical Pharmacy in Oncology from Universidade Municipal São Caetano do Sul (USCS) Specialist in Clinical Analysis and microbiology and Teaching in Higher Education by the Prominas Institute, graduated in Pharmacy from Faculdades Cathedral de Ensino Superior de Roraima, acted as an Instructor of Notions of Pharmacology, active in community pharmacy with emphasis on drug dispensation, Establish criteria and supervise the process of acquisition of medicines and other products, ensure the safekeeping and preservation of medicines in appropriate conditions (temperature, humidity and light incidence), in accordance with sanitary legislation.

Diorges Boone da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Nursing from Fametro University Center (2020), Specialization in Urgency and Emergency from Delta College through Singular Educational (2021), Improvement in Risk Classification by Manchester Protocol (2021) and ongoing Master's degree in Psychiatric Nursing from the University of Sao Paulo. She is currently a member of the High Studies Group on Social Vulnerability and Social Determinants of Health (registered in the CNPQ directory). She has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Nursing in Urgency and Emergency, Gerontology and Psychiatry, working mainly on the following topics: Metabolic Syndromes with emphasis on Diabetes Mellitus; Health of the Elderly; Integrative and Complementary Health Practices.

André Luiz Freitas Nogueira, Centro Universitário Fametro

Graduated in Nursing from Fametro University Center (2020) and ongoing specialization in Urgent Care, Emergencies and Intensive Care by Líder Instituto Educacional. He is currently a Family Health Strategy Nurse for the City of Rio Preto da Eva through the Municipal Health Secretariat.

Emelly Cristina Silva Rodrigues, Singular Educacional

She has a degree in Nursing from the Northern University Center (2019). She is currently an assistant nurse at the Adriano Jorge Hospital Foundation. Post-graduated in Urgency and Emergency by the Singular Educational Institute (2020). She has a course on Risk Classification by Manchester Protocol (2020). Working mainly on the following topics: Public Health, Stomatotherapy and Urgency and Emergency.

Dyanna Prestes da Costa, Centro de Formação, Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Saúde

Enfermeira graduada pelo Centro Universitário Fametro - CeUni (2019) e Pós graduanda em Urgência e Emergência na instituição CEFAPP.

Anderson Lima Cordeiro da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Nursing from the Fametro University Center (2020), an ongoing specialization in Intensive Care Unit Nursing from the Faculty of Human and Exact Sciences of the Sertão de São Francisco and an ongoing Master's degree in Public Health Nursing from the University of São Paulo. She is currently a member of the Study and Research Group on Women's Health (registered in the CNPQ directory). Has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Obstetric Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: assistance to pregnancy, labor and birth; maternal morbidity and mortality, obstetric patients in the ICU and infections related to the pregnancy period with emphasis on HIV/AIDS.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, I. da C. .; SILVA, D. B. da .; NOGUEIRA, A. L. F.; ARAÚJO, P. da S.; RODRIGUES, E. C. S.; COSTA, D. P. da .; SILVA, A. L. C. da . Phytochemical Analysis of Secondary Root Metabolisms and Plant Leaf Phyllanthus Niruri L. (Stone Breaker). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e18410414051, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.14051. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences