Epidemiological indicators of leprosy in Sergipe: A look towards the Social Determinants of Health





Epidemiology; Public health; Leprosy; Neglected diseases.


This study aims to analyze the temporal-trend of care in Sergipe and its correlation with the social determinants of health. It is an epidemiological study, of an ecological type of temporal series, with descriptive approaches. It is not possible to use the data from the National System of Notification of Aggravates (SINAN) of the Ministry of Health, relative to the period from 2007 to 2017. Three epidemiological indicators were selected from the list: the coefficients of new cases of hansenia in the general population, those under 15 years of the new cases with grau II of physical incapacity, these are subject to polynomial regression. Thus, several independent individuals are distributed in three categories: Socioeconomic category; demographic and health care, there are several statistically correlated foram through Spearman's correlation analysis (5% significance). For various qualitative procedures, two data are categorized and the respective frequencies and percentuais obtained. In relation to the descriptive analysis of the hansenies or the higher prevalence of two homens (51%), individuals with incomplete medium (52.63% ¬) , living in urban areas (74.36%), belonging to indigenous, black and brown races (78%). In relation to the clinical characteristics (50%), two individuals were multibacillary. Observe a decreasing trend for the coefficients of new cases of hansenia in the general population (APC -5.54 and p <0.000) and in those under 15 years (APC -5.57 and p <0.004). In relation to the socio-economic indicators, based on income, income per capita, or the health sector and or the Gini index, they show a positive correlation with the three indicators of monitoring.


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How to Cite

SIQUEIRA, T. S.; CELESTINO, A. O. .; SANTOS, A. H. C. .; SOUZA, M. do R. .; SANTOS, A. F. .; BARBOSA, L. .; SILVA, J. R. S. . Epidemiological indicators of leprosy in Sergipe: A look towards the Social Determinants of Health. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e38610414367, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.14367. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/14367. Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences